Blogging Tools and Resources

To do list blogging

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Start a Blog

Blogging has many benefits. There are so many different ways to create possible income streams it's unreal! Click here to learn how to start a blog step-by-step and start creating your dream home based business.


BlueHost is my top beginner choice for web hosting and Domain. They are the most affordable. Their prices are SUPER LOW and include a FREE SSL Certificate and Free Domain. Click here to learn more.


Drag-and-drop page builder for WordPress. This plugin helps you create beautiful pages using a visual editor. It's an all-in-one solution — letting you control every part of your website design in a single platform.


Email marketing service designed for creatives, entrepreneurs, bloggers, and small business owners. It's modern, clean, and highly customizable, while also being extremely intuitive, simple to use and affordable.


Email marketing service recommended for pro bloggers..It can get pricey the more subscribers you get, so keep that in mind. I use the free option (under 1000 subs) and export my subscribers to Flodesk.


Tailwind app is the social media scheduling tool that gets real results in less time. Supercharge your mobile media marketing! Find your best times to post and drive engagement with this Pinterest scheduler.


Shopify is a third-party ecommerce platform or online store builder that allows you to create a store to sell your products. It's one of the leading online store builders that's sure to catapult your online store to the next level. Click here to check out my store.

Studio Press

The Genesis Framework and StudioPress Themes are part of the WP Engine. WP Engine's cloud-based managed hosting solutions give your sites high availability, speed, scalability, and security, I've used Studio Press for several of my blog themes.

Deposit Photos

Over 100 million high-quality and royalty-free stock photos and vector images. That's 100+ million stunning images you can use to bring new life to your blog,, social media, and emails. I love to stock up on these when they are discounted a couple times a year.


This is my favorite place to create all the things! I design printables to sell, all my social media graphics, my headers/logos and so much more. They offer a free version, but the pro version is well worth it.

Site Speed Test

There's no point in having a website if your site takes forever to load. Potential visitors will click away if it takes too long for your site to load. Use this FREE test to make sure your blog is up to speed and your site is loading fast!

Send Owl

Allows you to offer an easy buying experience. Easy digital delivery check out. This checkout only takes a moment to configure, and it all comes together as a nice package after you've uploaded a few products.

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