Happy Spring!
The long cold winter season has finally come to an end. All the old dead things will soon be gone and the new is beginning to bud, its time to spring forth new growth. As Christians, we go through these seasons of change also and we have to constantly be examining ourselves for the new growth. If the new growth isn’t coming, it is necessary to cut off the dead branches to move into the next season God has for you. Change is usually never easy, but necessary!
Just like all the green grass and beautiful flowers need sunlight, warmth and water to grow, Christians need a nourishing, Word filled, spirit led habitat to grow in as well. New grass won’t grow if it is continually trampled on and cut down when new growth arises. Christians are the same, we need love and encouragement to grow. I’m not saying we aren’t going to have trials and tribulations, but we should still be growing even through the trials. God’s will is to change us into His created purpose for us. He has a predestined path already lined up for us, but we have to stay on it.
Sometimes we get on a path that is right in the beginning, but some where along the road it was no longer your path. God was calling you out. But we get comfortable and don’t notice that God is nudging us to take a change, that this is no longer our path. We missed our turn along the way.
So then we have to backtrack and find where we missed our turn, getting back on track with God. When we are on this path, peace begins to return, the voice of God becomes clearer again. But we didn’t see it before, we had moments of “this isn’t right” or “something seems off,” but now we know the path was no longer for us. Now we are on the path of peace and healing, new growth begins again, but this time even more rapidly because we already know how to grow.
There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death. -Proverbs 14:12
Your spirit is just taking back the ground that you lost while continuing on the old path. So you begin now to transform rapidly and become a new creature in Christ, a tree of righteousness, a vibrant disciple of Jesus. You are filled with His Spirit, learning to live in God’s presence daily again and producing fruit rapidly, not for the glory of ourselves, but for the Glory of God and His purposes.We were meant to grow and share the growth with those around us. So I am sharing with you this bit of revelation that I have received recently, in hopes that out of it if you too have lost your way that you will return to the path that leads to Jesus. Love, Life, Light through His word.
These seasons will continue to come, so keep examining your own path and the things that you put your time and your heart into and make sure they are still God’s path for you. Our old nature has to continue to die so that the Holy spirit can produce a new nature, a glorified nature. Sometimes I think there can’t be anything else I need to change after all this, but just like the seasons, the process of change begins again and God begins to cut off the dead, but remember spring always comes.
Hold fast during these changing seasons, sometimes it may seem like you are all alone and God has left, but His word says He will NEVER leave you nor forsake you! (Deuteronomy 31:6) Its not going to be easy, but it is necessary! Stand firm on this, don’t go back to the easier way, just going through the motions, living out somebody’s plan for your life. You always come out stronger and victorious! God Bless!
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Forest Rose is a God Loving, Blessed Wife, & Mama to 3 girls. She’s passionate about lifting moms out of the trenches that are discouraged, overwhelmed, or feeling alone or isolated. Her hope is to point them to Christ and equip them to rise up with a newfound hope and joy within, that He alone can provide. Besides blogging, she also loves to create printables!
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