Many families consider getting a pet when they have children. The pros of having pets in the household are well-known. They teach us to be better humans: responsible, loving, and centered. I see it every day with our Rottweiler, MJ. She just turned eight years old and adored by all of us—especially my three teen daughters, who smother her with love (and let’s be honest, she eats it up).
Having a pet can also be advantageous for homeschooling parents. Animals present a brilliant opportunity to help children develop a high emotional quotient (EQ). A high EQ is a sought-after quality in most professions because it equips you to lead, inspire, and be resilient.
Here are the ways pets can make homeschooling emotionally richer for your children. All the more reason to let your furry (or scaly, or feathery) friend join in on the lessons.
Finding Strength in Companionship
We usually associate homeschooling with peace and a controlled environment that does not agitate children. However, kids may still get frustrated due to a challenging lesson they struggle to grasp. You may not have to worry about bullying, but the usual ups and downs of childhood and adolescence are very much intact.
At such times, having a pet to cuddle with can be an immense comfort. Dogs have intelligent eyes and can listen for hours, their attention never swaying. Our Rottweiler, MJ, is proof of that. She has a way of sensing when one of my daughters is stressed and will nudge her way into their lap (which is quite the feat for a 100-pound dog). The American Psychological Association says spending time with a pet after a stressful event can make people happier and less anxious. It improves your mood irrespective of how you feel about animals or your previous experiences.
Besides dogs, cats can bring tranquility when they snuggle up at your feet and doze off. Many children find strength in knowing their beloved turtle or rabbit is close, waiting to play with them after lessons.
Pets can be comforting for parents as well. They reassure you that the children have the support of buddies during homeschooling. Some parents feel guilty about depriving kids of the enjoyment of studying with peers. A pet alongside your children can ease your mind.
Moreover, pets can also help you handle the stress of homeschooling better. They bring solace and love to people across the globe, particularly in big, lonely cities. Did you know Washington, DC, is considered among the loneliest places in the world? Recently, an NGO distributed battery-powered pets to older adults battling loneliness. A real one (if you’re up to taking care of it) can be even better.
Providing a Physical Outlet to Emotions
A Nature study reports that physical exercise is an excellent way to foster emotional intelligence and alleviate stress. It can even promote job satisfaction, which is saying something in today’s times! Pets can ensure you get plenty of exercise every day, from taking them for walks to running around with their favorite ball.
Dogs are perhaps the most energetic pets. Breeds like Border Collies and Siberian Huskies are so active they may not get tired even after hours of playing. As a homeschooling parent, you can create opportunities for the kids to run around with them. For example, older kids can be responsible for daily walks and activities like bathing the dog.
If you have a backyard, it can double up as a playground for your human and furry children. You don’t need to install a fancy swing set; most dogs and children learn to invent new games when they have space.
It can be hard to find large open spaces in cities, which makes a backyard even more special. If you are worried about hygiene (read poop incidents during all the bouncing around outside), you can use a professional service for dog poop removal in DC to guarantee cleanliness.
There’s a good chance the children will explore outdoor spaces curiously, touching flowerpots and picking up leaves. According to Scoop Soldiers, homes with pets should consider sanitization and deodorization to keep the environment deeply clean and germ-free.
Lessons on Motivation and Listening
Feeling motivated from within and inspiring others to feel happier is integral to developing a high EQ. Kids will need this skill in leadership roles and personal relationships as future parents or partners. Pets can help here.
In lessons, you can show children how pets react to positive reinforcement. A pat on the back and a treat lead to better performance during your dog’s next round of Fetch. Everyone needs encouragement and acknowledgment; pets can help children understand this beautifully.
In fact, pets can also be terrific at helping us become better homeschool teachers. They respond positively to reinforcement and teach us about discipline and patience. The Atlantic notes that pets teach valuable parenting lessons on making sacrifices for those we love, like taking dogs out to pee no matter how sleep-deprived we are.
Further, can anyone listen for as long as your dog? Even cats listen well, although they may fall asleep somewhere down the line.
Kids can use their pets to practice reading, talking, and active listening. Furry friends present a lovely example of how one needn’t always interject to make their point. Giving the other person undivided concentration is integral to professions like nursing and caregiving. MJ is a pro at this—she’ll sit beside my daughters as they talk through their thoughts, offering nothing but quiet, steady support (and maybe the occasional head tilt of approval). When they were little and learning to read, they would curl up beside her with their books, reading aloud as she listened patiently. She never corrected their mistakes or rushed them—just pure, judgment-free encouragement.
Pets are blissful. You may not feel that way when a puppy chews up your slippers. (MJ had a phase where no sock, shoe or stuffy was safe.) But in retrospect, growing up with animals is a beautiful gift for children. Homeschooled kids can benefit from the solidarity and support of pets in tumultuous situations. No matter how tough the going gets, snuggles can make everything better.
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Forest Rose is a God Loving, Blessed Wife, & Mama to 3 girls. She’s passionate about lifting moms out of the trenches that are discouraged, overwhelmed, or feeling alone or isolated. Her hope is to point them to Christ and equip them to rise up with a newfound hope and joy within, that He alone can provide. Besides blogging, she also loves to create printables!
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