I recently had a conversation with my husband, he has a construction business and he knows like…um…everyone. He has extensive discounts and favors from what seems like an endless supply of people willing to bend over backward for him. It’s amazing to see God’s favor on Him.
It’s WHO You Know
But anyway we were talking the other day and he said something that hit me. “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”. Sounds pretty cliche right!? I know, but when he said that I thought of WHO I know. I thought of all the times I needed something or was hurting Who did I have to help me? I haven’t really relied on another human being for happiness in a LONG time. I learned a while back that it is not their responsibility to keep me happy. Happiness is really a choice and it’s up to me.
Don’t get me wrong my husband, friends and family are awesome, but I just don’t look to them to solve all my problems or rely on them for my overall happiness. God has blessed me with some amazing friends along the way even through my introverted tendencies. But ultimately the WHO I thought of was ONE specific person. The one person I look to for happiness, the one person I can count on to be there through good and bad, thick and thin. Even when I’m not that fun to be around. Yep, I have my moments. Who do you think that is?
Well, God of course. All the time that I’ve spent getting to know God and His Word has brought me through so much and continues to give me, grace, mercy and an abundance of peace that I couldn’t manage without. He is the one friend that I can go to for anything! He is always there for me no matter what. No matter if I talk to Him or not, He is always patiently waiting and doesn’t change His heart towards me.
For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. You will find me when you seek me, if you look for me in earnest. -Jeremiah 29:11-13
Priority Check
I know we are very busy, busy mamas. Whether we are a work outside of the home mom, stay at home mom, work at home mom, homeschooling mom or all of the above. Let’s face it, it can be challenging to find any time. I don’t know about you, but I sometimes have a hard time even finding time to shower. I have been reduced to 5-minute showers daily…lol. So scheduling time with God is a must for me.
Even though we know above all else, time with God should be our first priority we still get busy and before we know it another day has come and gone. We end up putting everything else in line before Him. It is so easy to get caught up in the “just get thru another day” mode. It shouldn’t be this way, but it happens to the best of us. I know I still go through periods of time like this, so believe me…I’m talking to myself too.
But it doesn’t have to stay that way. We can change the outcome or at least the stress level of our day. Cause no matter what life throws at us or how busy we get, if we continue to put Kingdom First then we will walk in His peace through it all. I’ve gone through some tough stuff and didn’t even know He was with me until I started to seek Him. Once I started to really press into prayer and the Word I looked back on my life and saw so many times that He was with me and I wasn’t even aware of it. So crazy!
Scheduling Time With God
I have found that if I don’t specifically set aside time, meaning, SCHEDULE SPECIFIC TIME WITH GOD, He gets little to no time throughout my day and by 2:00 I’m stressed and by 2:05 I’m irrationally lashing out at my family. Do you ever feel like something is missing, but you just can’t break the pattern?
Even though God is NOT mad at us, thoughts and feelings that we have to get back on track or He will disown us start to torment us. Even though it is a LIE, we are still bombarded with condemnation (BTW not from God). We cannot allow these thoughts to come in! We have got to press on and press through.
It’s time, dear mama. It only takes a moment to close your eyes and rest in HIM. Talk to God, read a scripture even if it starts with 5 minutes a day…do that and you will soon notice that more time is freeing up that you ever imagined you would have. Because It’s WHO you know. And if you only get to know one person in your life let it be God.
WHO do you know?
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Forest Rose is a God Loving, Blessed Wife, & Mama to 3 girls. She’s passionate about lifting moms out of the trenches that are discouraged, overwhelmed, or feeling alone or isolated. Her hope is to point them to Christ and equip them to rise up with a newfound hope and joy within, that He alone can provide. Besides blogging, she also loves to create printables!
I’m thankful to know God, too. I look for Him at work through all the little things. Seeing Him is a skill worth cultivating. You are so right! Knowing the One True God, and spending time with Him, is the key to everything else falling into place.
Yes! Yes! Yes! I just wish I had known earlier how much peace I would have throughout my day just by taking the time to abide in HIM, just being aware of His constant love and presence.
This is so true and so inspiring!! Thanks so much for the reminder to make time for God <3!
I’m so glad you found this post inspiring Melanie! You never know how people will take posts like this. But I love love love to write them.
Oh so true!! And it’s so good to know Him!!! I feel so horrible when I don’t make time to spend with God. I get cranky, angry, I’m not myself when I don’t spend time with Him. Thanks for the encouragement and the reminder to seek the King and the Kingdom first! 🙂 And thanks for linking up at #BlessedMOMdays with us!
Yep! As soon as I feel myself about to lose it, I think to myself I need time with Jesus! My dearest friend, my peace, my strength, my joy, my LORD!