Ahhhh, remember the simpler days when we were kids? We sure knew how to connect back then. Personal connection with friends and family was all there was. Until the tech monster came and stole our time and attention. Back in the day we knew everyone’s phone number by heart. Spending quality family time was effortless, now we have to pencil it in or put effort towards it.
Oh, how times have changed. We would spend long hours on the phone with friends and family instead of a text message. If you received a gift from someone you would send a thank you card or note. Cards, thank you cards and letters were something found often in mailboxes and not just for birthdays and Christmas.
There would be “thinking of you” cards or long well-written letters sharing what has been happening over the past month or so, especially if it was a family member that was long distance, cause back in the day that would cost a pretty penny to have a long convo on the telephone. Unless it was after 9 pm which then you could talk for free
These days we have become complacent within our relationships, we are fooled into thinking that if we are Facebook friends with someone, we are staying connected. We assume that they know all that’s been going on with us. Yep, I put out an update to you and 400 other people on my friend’s list, so that should be good enough right? Hmmmm not very personal.
Or how about the text message, while it is a convenient way to give an update or ask a question, I don’t think it should be the only way we communicate. I literally have newly added ladies to my circle of friends that I haven’t ever heard their voice on the phone, cause all we do is text. While that is fine, I miss the good ole days.
Reclaiming the Lost Art of Letter Writing
It’s time to rekindle our love to connect. Really SPARK a love for nourishing and building up our friendships and relationships. Just as I would love to hear a real person talking on the other end of the phone, I would also love a handwritten note or card. This says to me five things.
- You truly care – Awww you care enough to write little ole me. Not me and all 400 of your facebook friends.
- You wanted to bless me – There is truly a lot of thought that goes into a written card or letter you know, it is way more personal than a text. You totally wanted to make me smile today.
- I am worth your time – It takes a lot of time to send a physical letter or card. You have to actually pick out the stationary/card, write it, put it in an envelope, stamp it and put it in the mailbox. Shew, I’m getting sleepy just thinking about it…lol..JK. But yeah, ACTUAL work goes into it, with a real personal touch.
- You want to build on this relationship or friendship – This relationship matters to you, out of all the friendships or relationships you have I am on the top of your list…yay!!
- You were born before the 90’s – Cause, if you weren’t, you would have no idea what I am even talking about. Written letter? Stationary? What’s that?
So I have had the pleasure of checking out this amazing new up and coming Etsy shop owner, Carmen, who sells adorable handmade stamped stationary over at Classy Crafting 2016. In her store, she states this “It’s time to Reconnect with friends and family with a personal touch. Show someone you care. Send them a card.” That is awesome! We truly do my dear friends. We need to reconnect on a more personal level.
Come on let’s start a love revolution and send someone a handwritten card with a handwritten-love-packed-personal note within! Once they get over the shock of receiving said handwritten-love-packed-personal note on gorgeous handmade stationary from Classy Crafting, they will be smiling the rest of the day, week, month…forever!!!
Here’s what sparked the idea of Carmen’s shop Classy Crafting 2016
Brighten someone’s day
Several years ago, I went to basic training. We were not allowed to have our phones. We had no access to the Internet. We were, however, allowed to write letters.
The craziest thing happened.
By the end of basic, I felt more connected to the members of my family than I ever had using social media or even talking on the phone.
See, I have a very supportive family and each one of my friends and family sent me a letter. One of my aunts actually sent me one letter every day.
Those letters are what gave me the strength to push through the training.
The fact that they took the time out of their busy schedules to write to me, showed me how much they cared.
In this fast-paced world, I believe cards give us a very unique opportunity.
Cards give us the chance to express ourselves and in the process, brighten someone’s day.
No matter what season of life you or anyone else is going through, you can use a card to show someone you care.
To celebrate, to mourn, to love, to remember, to reminisce, to say thank you, cards can be crafted for any occasion.
Who’s day can you brighten today?

I just L-O-V-E this! So darn sweet, she is! She has some adorable designs in her shop. My favorite thing is that you can’t buy these at Walmart, these are handmade Y’all!! And some are even customizable, so you can have her add in a the type of greeting you would like… Thank You, Happy Birthday, Thinking of You …. etc. Carmen has both hand-stamped and calligraphy stationary/cards to choose from. You choose whether you would like the stationary blank, or if you would like to customize the cards, you can pick from one of her text selections to complement your ahem… PERSONAL MESSAGE.
Whose day can you brighten? Imagine someone right now whom you love deeply and know they would totally be blessed to receive something special from you. Yes, you may be there Facebook, Instagram, Twitter friend, but we can do better than that! We can all probably think of a few right?! Well If you would love to brighten someone’s day head on over to Classy Crafting 2016 and order some stationary…YAY!
Classy Crafting 2016 Official Etsy Shop – Order from Carmen’s handcrafted Stationary.
Classy Crafting Facebook Page – Give her a like and support her new page.
FLASH SALE: Don’t miss this BEAUTIFUL custom stationary sale! SAVE 25% from anything in the Classy Crafting 2016 Etsy shop when you use the coupon code “THINKSPRING”. The coupon expires on WEDNESDAY so HURRY! Just Gorgeous handcrafted work that can be personalized!
What are some ways that you are trying to keep the connection going with your friends and family?
This is a sponsored post I received a gift, cash or some other form of payment for reviewing this product, website or business. My thoughts and opinions are of course my own and I only share products, people, businesses etc. that I trust. Here is my full disclosure.
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Forest Rose is a God Loving, Blessed Wife, & Mama to 3 girls. She’s passionate about lifting moms out of the trenches that are discouraged, overwhelmed, or feeling alone or isolated. Her hope is to point them to Christ and equip them to rise up with a newfound hope and joy within, that He alone can provide. Besides blogging, she also loves to create printables!
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