Hello to all! I have a great website for you to bookmark today, that provides FREE worksheets and activities for teachers and homeschool parents alike.

This site contains fun and unique FREE worksheets for your children and is geared toward kids, ages 4-7. These worksheets would be perfect to supplement your child’s school, SmartKidsWorksheets.com has various choices. Browse through Their 15 topics and 3 levels to create the curriculum that fits your child.
In addition to worksheets, they also have a featured artist and musician for each of the topics. This will introduce your child to history’s most famous paintings and classic music. Along with biographies about their artists, a coloring sheet of the artist’s painting is also included!

Topics on Smart Kids Worksheets
- All About Me
- My School
- Animals
- Family
- Neighborhood
- Transportation
- Countries
- Food
- Tools and Machines
- Earth and Space
- Spring
- Summer
- Fall
- Winter
- Math, Shapes, Colors, and Critical Thinking
Need some ideas for crafts? They also have an Arts & Crafts section for some fresh Ideas for some hands-on lesson plans.
Here’s one that I thought was cute and what a great way to introduce vegetables and body parts all in one craft…not to mention this is hilarious.

These worksheets are high quality PDF’s and the website is very easy to search through. Two teachers with over 17 years of experience created this site and all the worksheets. They created the site to share their ideas, knowledge, and experience with other teachers and parents who want the very best education for their children. Their free worksheets are the worksheets they use in the classroom with their students. They chose the topics by what they felt are the most common things young learners encounter in everyday life as well as topics that may interest them.
Please don’t miss this jewel of a site. As a homeschool mom myself, I was very impressed with the ease of the site, I’ve been to quite a few free worksheet websites, but they all seem to cluttered or confusing, this is so not that. I would highly recommend this site to anyone. There is not a ton of choices, but what they do have are excellent, and I’m quite sure they are just getting started and will have many more great worksheets to share with us in the future.
So head over to SmartKidsWorksheets.com and be sure to bookmark it, pin it, share it and enjoy these great worksheets with your kiddos.
For more homeschooling inspiration, tips and encouragement, make sure to follow KFH on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter, and subscribe to our Newsletter for some FREE GOODIES!
Forest Rose is a God Loving, Blessed Wife, & Mama to 3 girls. She’s passionate about lifting moms out of the trenches that are discouraged, overwhelmed, or feeling alone or isolated. Her hope is to point them to Christ and equip them to rise up with a newfound hope and joy within, that He alone can provide. Besides blogging, she also loves to create printables!
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