Yep, it’s soon going to be that time of year again the dreaded end of summer break. Ours has just started, but it doesn’t hurt to be prepared right!? During the end of summer break the ball games are winding down to a complete halt, splash parks are getting old and finally after making 4,657 types of slime the kiddos are getting bored. And us parents are pulling our hair out, per all the whining happening!
The once exciting summer activities for kids, like riding bikes, drawing chalk cities in the driveway, and playing tag in the backyard are soooo last month.
Even if you have something really cool in your backyard like, I don’t know, a 15 foot high playset (yep have one) or even something cooler like a pool you are still not safe!
Cause kids, well they are kids and everything, I mean everything gets old to them.
The kiddos are restless and tired of the same ol’ same ol’! Make slime, repeat, make slime repeat! Ugh!
Anyone with me?
They are bored inside. They are bored outside. They are bored when kids come to play. They seem to be bored all day.
The end of summer break I usually hear ”there is nothing to do” and “moooooom I’m bored” all.the.time. and I really truly simply cannot take it anymore. If one more kid tells me they are bored I might just lose it lol.
So to break the monotony and stop the never ending whining I did what any crazed, and exhausted mom would do, I searched Pinterest! I found a lot of unique and fun summer activities for kids. Here are my favorite finds that I thought were worth sharing with you all!
Summer Activities for Kids
- Make Bubbles that Bounce
- Play on a Water Blob
- Make a Water Obstacle Course
- Make a Marble Run Waterslide
- Draw on the Driveway with Ice Chalk
- Play Water Balloon Piñata
- Play & Learn with Melting Ice & Salt Science Experiment
- Play a Game of Pool Noodle Croquet
- Make 2 Ingredient Nutella Ice cream…Mmmm Mmmm good!!
- How about Glow in the Dark Ice Painting
I know you should be able to find something fun to do with your kiddos now. And if not, don’t give up you are sure to find something they will enjoy and regain some sanity. I hope, for your sake…hahaha!
Check out these 52 Responses to “I’m Bored”!
Do you have any amazing summer activities for kids to share with all of us? Leave a comment and share so we can all get our sanity back.
Have a Blessed Summer! Lots of love from our home to yours!
- Kids Movies this Summer for only a $1
- Kids Bowl Free all Summer long
- 7 Fun Ways to Keep Kids Busy on Rainy Days
For more homeschooling inspiration, tips and encouragement, make sure to follow KFH on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter, and subscribe to our Newsletter for some FREE GOODIES!
Forest Rose is a God Loving, Blessed Wife, & Mama to 3 girls. She’s passionate about lifting moms out of the trenches that are discouraged, overwhelmed, or feeling alone or isolated. Her hope is to point them to Christ and equip them to rise up with a newfound hope and joy within, that He alone can provide. Besides blogging, she also loves to create printables!
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