Hi everyone. If you are getting ready to teach your child to read or struggling to teach your child to read, this post is for you. I have posted in the past about my daughter who is a struggling reader. I am pleased to say with the reading game we have been experiencing breakthrough upon breakthrough! Yes (!) I knew she could do it.
In the past we have tried method after method of getting her to read without sounding out every s-i-n-g-l-e sound…ugh! I don’t know how many times I say a day “if you know the word just say the word.” But she just either forgets easily, doesn’t grasp the concept or just plain didn’t want to…lol! I was stumped and frustrated and just as the feeling of hopelessness tried to consume me, we were given the opportunity to try The Reading Game.
I cannot tell you enough about how this game has changed the way she reads, she is actually reading and not slowly blending anymore, she gets it…YES! (queue the Hallelujah Chorus) I’ve always read to my children, but I love it when they can read to me too!
What it includes
This is the second edition of The Reading Game. It includes six decks of matching word playing cards, six sets of picture flashcards, six beautifully illustrated story books, & a Teacher and Parent’s Guide. And I will add that it is very durable and well made, it will withstand the test of time:-)
The Breakdown
- It starts with a simple fast action-memory card game that teaches five words at a time.
- Picture flashcards reinforce words learned through game play with simple phrases and introduce capitalization and punctuation.
- Each of the content rich stories is told using only the 30 words learned through game play.
- This staged learning format ensures success and no frustration – and builds confidence and enjoyment in reading!
- On completing the series, the student has a reading vocabulary of 180 words, many of them Dolch and High Frequency words and will have successfully read six storybooks all on their own.
- The Reading Game was created by “Wordly Wise” author Kenneth Hodkinson
I know that not everything is for everyone…But I will have to say I have struggled to teach my child and this game me real help & her confidence has tremendously increased. Now all the other methods that I have used with her work, but The Reading Game was what got the ball rolling with my hands on learner.
We have a lot of fun playing and aren’t even half way through the game yet. But let me tell you this game is always on her mind, she loves it so much she asks constantly to play, she loves the fact that she is actually reading now and has become so much more excited to try all the other methods again…love it!
I hope this post will encourage that mom out there that is dealing with a struggling reader, there is hope, just keep on trying and something is bound to work.
Head over to the official website theReadingGame.com for more information/
{I received this game free in exchange for my honest opinion~Here is my Full Disclosure}
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Forest Rose is a God Loving, Blessed Wife, & Mama to 3 girls. She’s passionate about lifting moms out of the trenches that are discouraged, overwhelmed, or feeling alone or isolated. Her hope is to point them to Christ and equip them to rise up with a newfound hope and joy within, that He alone can provide. Besides blogging, she also loves to create printables!
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