It’s almost summer (break time)!! You know what that means, most kids will TRY to spend their days staring at a screen, and we will coax them to play outside or read a book. Turn your technology Driven kids into Engaged Summer Readers this break.
Reasons why this happens:
- This technology driven generation is just different than how we grew up. Most kids these days are semi- addicted to their phones which makes everything else seem boring.
- The usual routine and schedule is disrupted when school is out for the summer.
- Playing outside with friends is no longer fun or cool.
- Reading a book seems too school-y to kids.

Here’s how to take control of summer again and turn your kids into summer readers
What’s included in Summer Reading Challenge?
- Summer At-A-Glance Calendar
- UNdated June, July and August Calendars
- Summer Weekly Schedule Sheet so you can pencil in reading times.
- Hole Punch Bookmark Challenge Bookmarks – Give each child his own bookmark. Cut these out on cardstock and for every book your child reads they get to punch a hole, they also can be used to save the place in their current read. You can give incentive for each book or pick a specific amount of holes before they get a prize. I suggest giving them a GRAND PRIZE for all holes punched.
- Hole Punch Challenge Cards – These cards can be used as an alternative to the Hole Punch Bookmarks.
- Book Tracker – Keep track of all of those books your child read.
- Book List – Create a list of great books for your child to choose from.
- Reading Habit Tracker – It is said that a new habit takes 21 days to be formed. Keep track of the days that your child reads.
- Reading Journal – Your child can reflect on the story in this free-write journal.
- Book Report Youth – If you want to add a little more learning use these fun book report sheets for younger kids.
- Book Report Junior – These are designed for older kids.
- Reading Bingo Challenge – Give each child his own bingo card. Print these out on cardstock paper. If they complete one row this is a “bingo”. For each bingo, they earn a small prize. If they get a “blackout” (whole card) they get a GRAND PRIZE.
- Story drawing – This is where the story comes to life. Have your child draw what happened in the story they read each day.
- Coloring Bookmarks – These coloring bookmarks are another little motivator, especially for kids who love to color.
- No Screen-time Till… Summertime can turn into lazy time for kids if we let it. This No Screen-time Until … printable is a tool to help keep them being productive throughout the summer.
- No Screen-time Till (Blank) – Create your own duties to be completed before they can have screen-time.
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Forest Rose is a God Loving, Blessed Wife, & Mama to 3 girls. She’s passionate about lifting moms out of the trenches that are discouraged, overwhelmed, or feeling alone or isolated. Her hope is to point them to Christ and equip them to rise up with a newfound hope and joy within, that He alone can provide. Besides blogging, she also loves to create printables!
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