This is week 2 of our Fall activities. We have had a blast the last couple of weeks with a lot of activities and art projects. It seems as though we only do these kinds of things during theme weeks….I really need to work on that. They enjoy it so much!

As most of you know by now if you have been here before we start each day with Praise and Worship, Bible reading and Prayer.
Jada has been working through her hooked on phonics
and hooked on math
. Doing great in both:)
This week we wrapped up our fall activities theme. The girls had a great time doing all the fun fall activities.
They covered a coffee filter with bingo markers (or do-a-dot if you have them) Then sprayed them with water to blend the colors. We like to spray the middle first to watch the water move through the colors.
I cut a tree stump out of brown construction paper and had them paste it to a large piece of white construction paper.
Jada takes her sweeeeeet time drawing and coloring leaves.
Jasmine was done with hers in 2 minutes. I told her it looked like a windy day:) These turned out to be VERY cute!
I wanted to do a fall sensory with real leaves, but didn’t really want the mess in the house so I gave them a tub, some rakes and shovels and let them explore them in their natural habitat;)
Jasmine loves her Sesame Street puzzles (she has like 6 of em’)
This was DEFINITELY a HIT! This is a Leaf Skittles Sorting Mat I found at Making Learning Fun. No complaints here …well besides it takes like 50 something skittles to do it!
They played Hi Ho Cherry-O
, like TEN times.
We did a leaf observation….They L-O-V-E Sid the Science kid on PBS so Jada is always asking me to make her a journal so she can do her observations. So we made these little leaf observation journals. I just folded in half 2 sheets of printer paper and stapled them together. They pasted silk leaves from the dollar store to the top.
I taped different types, sizes and colors of real leaves from our nature walk to a poster board and we made predictions on how they would look tomorrow.
Jada said, “They’re all gonna be PURPLE mom.”(why am I not surprised:)
I had them rub a real leaf on their first page….
Day 2 (last day) Jada was very disappointed – NO PURPLE! Just crunchy and falling off the tape – lol!
They rubbed a leaf print into this tinfoil piece with their finger…
Then they pasted it to some orange construction paper.
We made real leaf collages. Jasmine chose a black background (ahem.. DADDY’S favorite color)
And Jada chose white cause purple wasn’t an option. I decided I wanted to make these into place mats so we could get them out every year. So this was done in steps throughout the week. First, we glued real leaves and let that dry overnight, then I pressed them for a couple days in a big book…
Then they painted the leaves with silver, gold and red glitter glue. I let that dry and pressed them for a couple days more and now I just need to laminate
Our final project was a fall suncatcher collage inspired by Childcare We used 2 pieces of wax paper, silk leaves, and some other little shapes and leaves. I had them make it right on the spot I planned to press it. After they had their collage the way they wanted it, I carefully place the other piece of wax paper on top, I used an iron to melt it together. They are my FAVE for the 2 week fall theme!
Well, that’s it for fall around here….well the theme anyway!
If you missed it here is week 1 of our fall theme and don’t miss our 31 days of Fun Fall Arts and Crafts for Kids Series.
What fun Fall Activities are you doing with your kiddos?
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Forest Rose is a God Loving, Blessed Wife, & Mama to 3 girls. She’s passionate about lifting moms out of the trenches that are discouraged, overwhelmed, or feeling alone or isolated. Her hope is to point them to Christ and equip them to rise up with a newfound hope and joy within, that He alone can provide. Besides blogging, she also loves to create printables!
Love the leaf rubbing! Kerri
What fabulous ideas! The coffee filter activity is awesome! I definitely need to bookmark that (we aren’t there yet in skill) and the leaf book sounds fun too!
What cute ideas! They look like they really enjoyed it! Thanks for following. Now following you back 🙂
What a great week! I love the tinfoil leaf rubbing!
I love the Sid inspired journals. We recently finished our fall theme and I wish I would have thought of a few things you posted here.
What wonderful creative ideas. I am going to have to try these with my daughter. Following you from Mama to 4 Blessings blog hop. Cant wait to explore your site.
CSAHM & Home-schoolers Fellowship
Visiting from 1+1+1=1. I really like the leaf journal idea, and espcially the tinfoil leaf rubbing. We are going to copy that one!
Hi….following you back. Thanks for stopping by my place. I know I’m going to enjoy following you….I homeschooled for over 13 years ( my youngest is now a college freshman). I’ve got to admit I miss it and I still love to read about dedicated homeschooling families. 🙂
Great projects. I’m following you back.
Blogging Hints
Busy Mom’s Tips
Work at Home Helper
LOVE the tinfoil leaf!!!
The skittles sort is awesome! Great week!
I truly love all the crafts and activities you guys did this week. The coffee filter trees are beautiful and the foil leaf rubbings are so original, seems like it would be easier than trying to get a decent rubbing from crayons. I also loved the idea of doing the sensory tub outdoors. Unfortunately it has been so wet here.
I need to get that HiHo Cherry-o game, the girls love playing games.
Those trees turned out so cute! I love all the leaf activities too!
This looks like so much fun. LOve all the pictures!
Wow! Ya’ll are busy!! Very cute.
Out blog boosting…come on by
I love all the crafts!! Too bad the leaves here aren’t as pretty.
Cute fall projects. Thanks for stopping by. I am now following you.
Thanks for visiting!! Following you back!
I really like the sensory tub outside!
Our sensory bin has been dumped on the floor too many times already this week.
i love the fall projects 🙂 I’m following you now… will be stopping by often. I did receive your comment but not the follow :/ If you have a moment check out the crafts section on my blog, emma and I made a fall wreath made of leaves and also a turkey made of hand & feet prints. 🙂
What a fun week!!! Thank you so much for becoming a fan on facebook!! I just became #24 on yours! 🙂
Great Blog! New follower from blog hop
Remember to enter Abundance Yeah Spice and Rub Giveaway
these are awesome ideas. I love the tinfoil leaves
Thank you for stopping by my blog. I am following you back.
Please come back again to check out my awesome giveaways & reviews-
I love those wooden Sesame Street puzzles, too! My son was obsessed with them two years ago, and I was able to find a whole lot of them on ebay. The daycare kids love them! Thanks for the Skittles sorting link!