Christmastime is becoming more and more stressful in the world today. With the focus being deterred to Santa, parents spending thousands of dollars on gifts, and all you hear from kids is-what will I get for Christmas this year? Unfortunately, we often forget the reason why we celebrate– Jesus! Here are 4 ways you and your family can keep Christ in Christmas!
- Give God your time. Pray, meditate in His word. This seems like a no-brainer, but sometimes we have to be reminded of this simple yet detrimental aspect of how we live. This will help to keep us focused on the things of above and not that flat screen TV we think we just gotta have for Christmas…lol…ahem.
- Talk to your children often about the true reason we celebrate. Children are very impressionable and can get caught up easily in the “gimmies” at this time of year. I’m not saying you can’t give your kids gifts. Let’s put it this way there can be 2 children with the same amount of material things, but one is spoiled and one is blessed. Keep them reined in and truly teach them to be thankful and respect their things all the while explaining to them that they are only things and Jesus and giving to others is the best way to celebrate Christmas. There’s a popular eBook Called the Truth in the Tinsel that will help you with this every day up until Christmas.
- Do only what the father says to do. Ah… the busyness of Christmas! How we can be tossed to and fro! Just stop already! You don’t need to go to every Christmas party, play, event, sale etc. Slow down and notice your surroundings. Take the time to sip the egg nog…lol! Walk by the Spirit and allow yourself to be used in mighty ways! God is always talking to you. He always has an assignment for you. Are you listening? Or are you just being carried along with whatever feels good or sounds good. Don’t allow your emotions to control you. Don’t allow people to control you. Be led by the Spirit and you will always be traveling down the path of peace and balance. It’s OK to say no. They will get over it and you will always be in the right place at the right time.
- Share the love of Christ! People are hurting and alone! Bless someone by helping them in some area they are struggling in. Be sure to involve the kids in this so they will see what it feels like to give of yourself and truly love your neighbor. Remember on the Holidays there are still people working. They are doctors, nurses, firemen, policemen…Bless them. Take them some cookies, order them a pizza, just do something. Share the love of Christ!
I hope these help you and your family keep Jesus above all and in the center of Christmas. In the comments below please share ways you and your family keep Christ the center of Christmas.
What are some ways you keep the focus on Christ?
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Forest Rose is a God Loving, Blessed Wife, & Mama to 3 girls. She’s passionate about lifting moms out of the trenches that are discouraged, overwhelmed, or feeling alone or isolated. Her hope is to point them to Christ and equip them to rise up with a newfound hope and joy within, that He alone can provide. Besides blogging, she also loves to create printables!
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