Growing up, I always loved to play outside, there was always a new adventure just around the corner. Playing in the woods was the best, we had secret forts built and all kinds of trails to hike through. It was a way to escape from reality. I was not the prettiest or the most popular girl and had a hard time making friends, so this is where I could just be me and let off a little steam.
These days with all the negative news and challenges it can be difficult to offer teens and children proper guidance on life. With violence, natural disaster, and cynicism greeting them at every turn, how can we hope that our young people will persevere despite the trials of everyday life? And choose to have a good attitude and do the right thing no matter what their peers may say or do.
This adventure book, uses the fantasy genre as a backdrop, to enthrall children with a fascinating tale, and a powerful message that giving from the heart always supersedes giving extravagantly to impress the rest.
In the book, the author carries us through a girl’s life as she struggles to meet the expectations. She is the new girl at school and is going to the most popular girl’s birthday party. She struggles to find the perfect gift. She ends up bringing something her father gave her to give and was beyond disappointed. She enters the party terrified and just as she suspected her gift was the laughing stock. As the story continues you will be surprised as to how it turns out, let’s just say there is a talking tree, a mysterious boy and a magic stick. That’s all I can tell you because I don’t want to spoil it for you.
As I read this story to my Three daughters 7, 6 and 3, they were in awe of the beautiful pictures and interested throughout. This is saying a lot for them because they have a tendency to start to drift away if a story is not interesting to them…I’m sure you can all relate. I myself found that little girl inside come out with excitement in wonder of what would happen next. It brought many emotions back from my childhood that I had of playing in the woods next to our home.
Explore, Discuss, Enjoy
Families can talk about the message that this book sends about the importance of giving a gift from the heart, to get back to what really matters in life, the beauty of God’s creation around us. Why do you think Algrath chose to tell that particular story to the children? How could Sara have changed the way she felt about just giving flowers? How could Jan have treated Sara better? What lesson did the children learn? There are so many possibilities to open up and teach your children the importance of how to treat others and that the best gifts are actually not the most expensive, most popular gifts they are the gifts that truly come from the beauty of the heart.
Track Your Family Tree Together
In the back of the book you can fill out your family tree or you can download a copy of it on the website.

When you Purchase Algrath, you also Plant a Tree
Every time someone purchases this book the author promises to plant a tree! yay! The kids will love to hear that too!
This book is printed in the U.S.A. on recycled paper stock from sustainable harvested forest with environmentally friendly soy ink, utilizing and elemental chlorine free process.
This book would be a wonderful asset to your library; I know it will be to ours. This is a beautifully written and illustrated book, which comes to life with each reader and it stirs you to want to go on an adventure while filling your home with a sense of wonder and the true meaning of giving and friendship.
Purchase your copy now on Algrath.com
Or for further inquiries email info@algrath.com
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Forest Rose is a God Loving, Blessed Wife, & Mama to 3 girls. She’s passionate about lifting moms out of the trenches that are discouraged, overwhelmed, or feeling alone or isolated. Her hope is to point them to Christ and equip them to rise up with a newfound hope and joy within, that He alone can provide. Besides blogging, she also loves to create printables!
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