Everyone makes mistakes, the trick is to catch them before they become a bad habit or a strong hold, especially when they can be easily avoided. Don’t miss these, more common than you know, homeschooling mistakes you might be making….and how to fix them! Trust me you are not alone. I have made many, many mistakes in my 7 years of homeschooling, and I’m sure I will make more. Here are some super common mistakes that usually every homeschooler makes at least once.
1. Comparing Your Family to Others
The infamous comparison trap, AKA — the sucker of all joy! This is a biggie in all circles of the world, so why would we think we would be exempt? Lol! Be careful mama, what are you thinking about? Check your thoughts and close that Facebook update or blog post that you are reading that sends a ping to your self-esteem. Quit comparing yourself to “Sister Suzy Homeschooler” with a perfect pinteresting homeschool family. We see the perfectly pictured package and suddenly feel like we are in some way insignificant or feel like we are failing.
Seriously, in the world we live in today – The social media day and age, we have to be vigilant in capturing these thoughts! Comparison is a plague that will suck the joy right out of your homeschool. I have experienced this first hand, especially cause not only am I a homeschool mom, but a mom blogger, I felt as though I needed to raise the bar even higher. After all I’m suppose to know what I’m talking about right? That is laughable really! I’m learning day to day, just like you. The only difference may be that I have somewhere to write what I have learned.
So if you are saying, yes this is me, then start today to give yourself a TON of Grace! You and only you are gifted with the perfect tools to raise and teach your kids. God has given these specific kiddos to you, cause He knew in your mama heart was the strength to mold them into their perfect calling and train them for the path ahead. So breathe, rest and focus on His voice, what is He telling you to do with your kids? Get back to your why, WHY did you start homeschooling to begin with? Shut down all those thoughts and pings that try to steal your joy. Happiness and joy are a choice, don’t believe me? Choose to be happy tomorrow, no matter what, and I guarantee you will be.
2. Following Public School Methods
I know this can be tough to do! Cause most of us were raised in public school, it’s all we have ever known. Our mentality is fixed that that is normal and any other method feels awkward at first. But we have got to get out of the public school mentality and get into HOME school mentality. God’s plan for your homeschool family isn’t a factory product, it’s not the same as everyone else. Think about it – In public school the children do not get the full attention of the teacher, but in home your kids get one on one learning always. They don’t need 8 hours of schooling. This my friend, is a game changer.
So why aren’t some homeschool moms embracing the freedom of it? I’m not sure, maybe fear, maybe it is working for them. But I’m here to tell you I have done both ways and I love, love, love the HOME school way much better. Throw the rules out the window. They don’t have to finish 50 math problems if they know how to do them after 10.
You don’t have to do 3 months of review at the beginning of the school year, just skip it, really it’s OKAY! Just relax and let it go. If homeschool is just not working that day, throw in the towel. Don’t stress. Get outside and play with your kids. Go to the library. Take a break. You do not have to stick to the schedule.
3. Not Changing your Curriculum When it’s Not Working
Just stop okay! If your curriculum isn’t working and hasn’t been for some time, just stop! I know, I know, you feel like its a waste of money, you paid big bucks for all of it, but you can sell or use pieces or whatever, but you cannot get back the joy that will be lost if you continue. You don’t want your kids to develop a hate for school. And to be honest they won’t really retain anything if it’s stressing them out.
So if your kids are not learning and you are constantly having to yell or push, it’s time to move on, this may not be how they learn. Maybe they need something more hands on or a relaxed approach like unit studies. Now, of course, kids have off days where they have to be pushed, but if this is becoming the tone of your homeschool, something needs to be tweaked. Don’t keep fighting, it just isn’t worth it.
Maybe just take a week and reevaluate. Test out some free homeschool curriculum to try or just simply drop a couple things out of your daily schedule. I’ve had a year where in the middle of the year I dropped everything but reading and math. Just do what works for you. Relax and go with the flow. Follow your kids’ interests, you will be amazed at how your homeschool will turn around quickly.
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Okay, it’s your turn? What mistakes have you made in your homeschool?
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Forest Rose is a God Loving, Blessed Wife, & Mama to 3 girls. She’s passionate about lifting moms out of the trenches that are discouraged, overwhelmed, or feeling alone or isolated. Her hope is to point them to Christ and equip them to rise up with a newfound hope and joy within, that He alone can provide. Besides blogging, she also loves to create printables!
It’s so funny… no matter how many blog posts I read (or write!) on the matter I still can not get us to drop out of the comparison game! It’s no fun, it’s not productive and yet I just can’t seem to help myself. I often compare our homeschool to others my kids to their public school friends, heck! I even compare my kids to one another! It’s like it’s ingrained!! But knowing that when I do compare it’s not helping anyone has helped me stress about it a little less and pull myself out of it sooner.
Yes! The struggle is real! We have to examine our thoughts everyday in this area. It creeps up on ya.
Ugh comparison, such a stronghold! I pray that we can all just find total peace and contentment within our own household.