Jordan and I recently had the pleasure of trying out Peekapak! Oh, you’ve never heard of it? Well, It’s a storytelling adventure pack inspiring children to be creative and imaginative by bringing play-based learning into the home once a month.
Each pack includes an educator designed storybook that challenges children to build things that extend the adventure and all the needed materials are included in the kit. This is seriously great! The Peekapak comes monthly so you have brand new, didn’t have to plan, adventures with projects ready made and available at your fingertips!! Yes!!
Every month, kids receive a box containing a storybook where the Peekapak mascots, The Peekapak Pals, go on an adventure and at key points in the story, kids are encouraged to extend the adventure into “real life” by completing a craft or activity related to the story. All the materials needed to create 2-3 hands-on projects are included in each Peekapak. Previous Peekapak topics include exploring Space, the Antarctic and the Ocean. Each Peekapak is designed to be appropriate for both girls and boys aged 3-7.
When we received our kit in the mail, my 4-year-old daughter could hardly wait to dig in! She was amazed by all the cool crafty stuff in the box that was just for her…she felt so special! With 2 older sisters, she usually has to share EVERYthing so you can imagine how thrilled she was to have something to call her own! When I opened up the box I was taken back by all the neat little stuff in there, they supply everything you need for the project, even scissors and tape was in there, wow!

As we journeyed through the story…
We helped Cado the caterpillar grow some food. She sharpened her scissor skills and taped Popsicle sticks to all the Peekapak Pals and the plants. This was super easy for her and she really had a lot of fun putting it all together!

Final thoughts on the Peekapak
I really enjoyed this extra time with Jordan and I didn’t have to plan a thing, we were off on the adventure together and she was fast to complete each task that her pals threw at her all the while learning along the way. Jordan adored Peekapak and the Peekapak pals!
Mommy, of course, thought it was great for two main reasons-
Firstly, it’s play-based learning; There are educational fun facts all throughout the adventure story! If you have followed my blog for any length of time you know I am all about learning through play 🙂
And next, there was absolutely no prep time! I just mindlessly opened the box and it was all laid out complete with directions. From all of us busy mommas out here, thank you Peekapak!
Well, what do you think? Is this something you would like to try with your little one?
Subscriptions can be ordered month-to-month at $24.99 per month or annually for $240, including FREE SHIPPING. Peekapak is also offered in 3 and 6-month gift subscriptions for $72 and $132, respectively. Peekapak is perfect as a birthday or holiday gift. Sibling add-ons are also available.
Head on over to and order yours today!
I received a free Peekapak to share my honest opinion.
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Forest Rose is a God Loving, Blessed Wife, & Mama to 3 girls. She’s passionate about lifting moms out of the trenches that are discouraged, overwhelmed, or feeling alone or isolated. Her hope is to point them to Christ and equip them to rise up with a newfound hope and joy within, that He alone can provide. Besides blogging, she also loves to create printables!
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