But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. -John 4:23
Since my girls have been really little, we love to have praise and worship time, dancing, praising and singing. Just letting it all go before the Lord. But what I have found is that worship is more than a fleeting moment of singing & praising, it is a 24-7 all out, no holds barred, consecrated lifestyle.
I have been teaching my girls that worshiping God can be more than just a song, more than just a thank you. True worship is formed out of real relationship. Real relationship is all the time, not just when you feel like it. Anyone can use their voice and praise God, but really it’s the heart that should be praising.
Raising kids to choose a lifestyle of worship
Choosing His path all day long is praising God, even when mommy and daddy can’t see you. It comes when you do not allow bad habits to form, or wrong thinking to manifest. Keeping your thoughts, words and actions lined up with His word is praise. Continuously saying YES to Jesus! Choose to do this daily…
- Choosing to put God first ALWAYS.
- Choosing to read the Word daily even when you don’t understand why it is so important.
- Choosing to make right choices even when wrong ones sound more fun.
- Choosing to share even when it’s your favorite toy.
- Choosing to tell the truth even when you know you will get in trouble.
- Choosing to give when you want to keep.
- Choosing to be a good steward of your money, tithe, sow seed, give even when you want to spend it.
- Choosing to take care of the things you are blessed with even when they aren’t that interesting anymore.
- Choosing to pray for others when you don’t even feel like praying.
- Choosing to talk nicely to others even when they aren’t to you.
- Choosing to put others first even when you feel you should be first.
- Choosing to be thankful always even when you want more.
- Choosing love instead of selfishness even when it’s hard.
- Choosing to pray for someone that hurts you instead of hurting them back.
- Choosing to forgive even when you know they don’t deserve it.
- Choosing to obey & respect parents even when we are wrong.
- Choosing to believe even when it seems impossible.
- Choosing to talk to God even when you think He doesn’t hear you.
As my girls grow up I have noticed that no matter what the situation they always run to God! I was laying on the bed the other day with a horrible rash on my face, face all swollen & itchy like someone punched me in the jaw, ya know just feeling miserable!
My oldest daughter noticed. She took off running out of the room and grabbed her bible, she opened it up and started reading out of Song of Solomon to me. Aww be still my heart, she had no idea it was one of my favorites. As she was reading, the words just washed over me, faith filled me, God was speaking to me through my little girl! What a glorious moment it was! Through my despair my 7 year old daughter brought my heart back to worship.
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Forest Rose is a God Loving, Blessed Wife, & Mama to 3 girls. She’s passionate about lifting moms out of the trenches that are discouraged, overwhelmed, or feeling alone or isolated. Her hope is to point them to Christ and equip them to rise up with a newfound hope and joy within, that He alone can provide. Besides blogging, she also loves to create printables!
You were the featured blogger at the Faith Filled Parenting LinkUp Party. Congratulations! Check it out here http://faithfilledparenting.com/2016/01/faith-filled-parenting-linkup-party-7/
Awesome thanks for the feature!
You were the most clicked link at the Faith Filled Parenting LinkUp Party. Congrats and check it out http://faithfilledparenting.com/2016/01/faith-filled-parenting-linkup-party-7/
Wow! That’s great! Thanks for letting me know Christia!
So important to be sure God is the first person our children run to. I have been intentional about this and like you, am starting to see the fruits. But it is something I can always do a little more of!!! Thank you for sharing at the Faith Filled Parenting LinkUp.
I’m with ya Christia! I can always do more too!
This is truly excellent. Yes, the home is the first Church, School, where they are groomed to develop passion for Christ.
Thanks Hal! Yes it is! We were created for relationship with the Father, we should always be exemplifying that to our children:-) Thanks for visiting!