You’ve probably heard the buzz about this new Resurrection Day Family Devotion called A Sense of the Resurrection! It is awesome, my girls and I have really been blessed to be given a free copy to try out and review for you, we have had a memorable Resurrection Day season so far this year. If you are looking for kids Easter Activities, you have found the best of the best.
Every year at this time I always contemplate ways to keep “Easter” Centered around Christ for them. My husband and I made the choice years ago to not have Resurrection day be anything about the bunny, eggs and anything of the like. This is our personal choice and our personal walk. To each His own as the saying goes. We just want to keep it about our redemption and there are too many questions about the pagan side of Easter that has infiltrated into the real thing-Resurrection Day.
12 Christ-Centered Kids Easter Activities
So when we got to try out a Sense of the Resurrection, I was so excited!
This is so us!
We loved every bit of it. The book is broken up into 12 lessons to presumably do for 12 days, but we sped it up a bit and did a few activities at a time omitting some altogether for time reasons.
Each lesson uses one of your natural 5 senses, a few scriptures, activity or craft, discussion & a bonus free printable to decorate with.

Here’s a rundown of the lessons included:
- Mary’s Perfume- You SMELL the perfume to prepare your heart for Jesus’ death.
- Triumphal Entry- You HEAR the truth of Jesus’ mission to save us from our sin!
- Washing Feet- You will FEEL Jesus, the Servant King.
- Last Supper- You eat and TASTE Jesus’ body broken for you
- Purple Robe- You SEE the real royalty and recognize Jesus as King.
- Peter’s Denial: Rooster- You HEAR and remember to stand with and speak about Jesus.
- Nails- You FEEL Jesus’ sacrifice for you. His intimate sacrifice, His touch and care for you.
- Vinegar- You TASTE the bitterness of sin. Jesus took the bitterness of your sin.
- Earthquake: You HEAR the power of Jesus and recognize Him as God’s Son.
- Sealed Tomb: You SEE and FEEL the finality of death–the death that should have been yours.
- Angel: You SEE the dawn, the empty tomb, the bright and shining angel. You SEE the miracle of LIGHT from DARK.
- Fish- You will TASTE Jesus’ love and provision
Upon completion (with a few skipped activities) we have been so blessed! We laughed, we cried (well I did, happy tears:) and most importantly we are closer to Jesus and each other. We came out the other side of this eBook changed more into the likeness of Him, with a new understanding of the sacrifice that was made for each of us 2,000 + years ago! Thank You Jesus!
Few of our blessed memories…
Mary’s Perfume
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Forest Rose is a God Loving, Blessed Wife, & Mama to 3 girls. She’s passionate about lifting moms out of the trenches that are discouraged, overwhelmed, or feeling alone or isolated. Her hope is to point them to Christ and equip them to rise up with a newfound hope and joy within, that He alone can provide. Besides blogging, she also loves to create printables!
Hi what delightful teaching materials!! I taught Home school to 2 of my 3 children in l
(sorry) I served many years as a weekly or monthly hostess for Good News Clubs or seasonal Party Clubs through Child Evangelism Fellowship. Their visual teaching materials and songs are the best. Look into it in your town as there are ongoing Free Teacher Training Classes/Visual aids and seminar Workshops/Materials/Support and Fellowship.
Thanks for the tip Lorraine, I’ll be sure to look into it.