Did you know that there is a huge homeschooling community on Twitter? I love to connect, get ideas, chat etc. with other homeschooling moms on Twitter.
If you aren’t familiar with Twitter or hashtags it is simply a word or phrase preceded by a hash or pound sign (#) and used to identify messages on a specific topic. The pound sign (or hash) turns any word or group of words that directly follow it into a searchable link. This allows you to organize content and track discussion topics based on those keywords.
How to Properly Use Twitter Hashtags for Homeschool
For example, if I am tweeting about a giveaway for homeschool moms, I would tweet this—”Enter to win my #homeschooling #giveaway…” Then when people are searching under the hashtag or label of #giveaway or #homeschooling, my giveaway will show up!! I have just entered my tweet into the homeschooling and giveaway discussion feed on Twitter.
It is important to remember to be respectful with hashtags and don’t hashtag bomb. So make sure your hashtag relates to your message. For instance, if I am tweeting about homeschool I do not want to enter a hashtag like say….#breastfeeding, just because I think the people in the breastfeeding conversation may have a homeschooling mom in there, but really my tweet has nothing to do with breastfeeding. This is considered spam. So be careful and considerate.
Here are some of the most popular Twitter hashtags for homeschool that I follow and add to my tweets about homeschooling.
Twitter Hashtags for Homeschool
- #Homeschool
- #Homeschoolers
- #Homeschooling
- #HomeEducate
- #HomeEducators
- #HomeEducation
- #HomeEducating
- #Homeed
- #HS
- #HSMommas
- #HSBloggers – hashtag for homeschool bloggers
- #HipHomeSchool – Hip Homeschool Moms community
- #iHSNet – iHomeschool Network which I LOVE.
- #SimpleHomeschool – Simple Homeschool community.
- #HSClassroom – Homeschool Classroom community.
- #teachers – A place to share and find ideas for all teachers alike
For more homeschooling inspiration, tips and encouragement, make sure to follow KFH on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter, and subscribe to our Newsletter for some FREE GOODIES!
Forest Rose is a God Loving, Blessed Wife, & Mama to 3 girls. She’s passionate about lifting moms out of the trenches that are discouraged, overwhelmed, or feeling alone or isolated. Her hope is to point them to Christ and equip them to rise up with a newfound hope and joy within, that He alone can provide. Besides blogging, she also loves to create printables!
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