Looking For The Perfect Thanksgiving Crafts For Kids?
Autumn is in full swing. Thanksgiving is almost here…eek! What are your plans this year? Are you hosting or heading to a family or friends house? We have two Thanksgiving dinners every year, YUM! One with my family in Michigan and one here in Indiana with my hubby’s family. One of our favorite traditions for any holiday or special occasion is to make crafts! So here are some super quick and fun Thanksgiving crafts for kids!
Do you like to plan holiday themed crafts with your kiddos? I have a few fun ideas, some classic and some maybe new to you. Thanksgiving crafts are fun and easy. Hours of fun can be had with just a little creativity. Read on for fun ideas for hours of creativity to make this holiday memorable!
Fall Leaf Art
Autumn leaves are gorgeous with their rich variety of colors. Take a nature walk and pick up interesting or particularly colorful leaves. Make sure they are dry and clean, and arrange them into designs. Make animals and birds and pretty scenes with all the different leaf shapes.
Hand Turkey Craft
Hand turkeys are a Thanksgiving craft classic. Have the child put their non-dominant hand on a piece of paper, then trace it, slowly and carefully. The thumb is the head of the turkey, and the fingers are the tail feathers. Add feet, a beak, eyes, and wings and plenty of color and patterns to complete the turkey. For more fun, add feathers made out of leaves.
Craft Pine Cone Bird Feeders
This craft is fun and helps the birds during winter. Gather pine cones on a nature walk. Make sure they are large and not spiky. Tie some yarn to the ends so they can be hung up. Use a plastic knife to apply peanut butter all over the pine cone, then roll it in a tray with birdseed in it. The birdseed will stick to the peanut butter. Hang them up outside your window and enjoy birdwatching with your kids.
Thanksgiving Paper Chains
I’m sure you have made a paper chain sometime in your life. This classic and easy craft is still fun to this day. Make strips of construction paper and write down something to give thanks for on each one. When they are done, link them together with tape. They can be made into decorations and hung around the house to add some holiday cheer. Try alternative colors or enhancing the chains with glitter glue and other craft materials.
Thanksgiving Placemats
Placemats are an easy Thanksgiving craft. Just take strips of construction paper, and weave them together in a criss-cross pattern. Use different colors for a pretty checkered pattern. The criss-cross design might confuse younger children, so be sure to help them if they need it.
Affix the ends with glue so that the placemat doesn’t fall apart. When it’s all done, you will want to laminate it to protect against spills during mealtimes. I love these easy self-adhesive laminating sheets.
Alternatively, you can make a collage of leaves, shapes etc. and press it within two pieces of wax paper with an iron between a towel.
Thanksgiving Turkeys
There are many ways to make craft turkeys. A pine cone, stuffed paper lunch bag, or even a plastic cup can be used as the body, and tail feathers can be made using leaves, feathers, or construction paper. Make a head with construction paper or acorns. Add googly eyes and glitter to give the turkey some personality. These turkeys make great centerpieces for the dinner table.
Free Thankful Tree Printable Activity
Thanksgiving is an ideal time to share with your children what gratitude looks like. Even simple gestures can make a big difference. Someone’s life can be changed with just ONE word.
I know when it comes to our kids we are always looking for ways to build up their character and remind them how very blessed they are.
Download your FREE Printable Thankful Tree. Print both the tree and leaves out. Cut the leaves and write on the leaves what you are all thankful for. Then paste the leaves to the tree and display in your home. I hope this blesses you as much as you have all blessed me over the years.
Have Fun Over the Holiday
These Thanksgiving crafts for kids are sure to brighten any child’s face and will add some festive, handmade decor to your house. Try them out at home with your kiddos or in your co-op to celebrate the spirit of the holiday.
Happy Thanksgiving friends.
Looking for more fun fall crafts? No problem! You are sure to find something fun and creative in my 31 Days of Fall Arts and Crafts for Kids Series!
For more homeschooling inspiration, tips and encouragement, make sure to follow KFH on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter, and subscribe to our Newsletter for some FREE GOODIES!
Forest Rose is a God Loving, Blessed Wife, & Mama to 3 girls. She’s passionate about lifting moms out of the trenches that are discouraged, overwhelmed, or feeling alone or isolated. Her hope is to point them to Christ and equip them to rise up with a newfound hope and joy within, that He alone can provide. Besides blogging, she also loves to create printables!
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