If, like most homeschoolers, you struggle with “getting everything done,” the Write from History series will provide you with an easy method to teach writing and enhance your student’s history studies simultaneously.
This time-saving curriculum contains historical narratives, time period poetry, text excerpts from primary source documents, and cultural tales which students read and narrate. Models from the reading selections are then used as copywork; and, for older students, a separate set of models are studied and written from dictation.
With Write Through History, students learn about history and simultaneously develop essential writing skills by absorbing the artistry and style of those they imitate.
Included are authors such as:
· King Solomon
· Aristotle
· Horace
· Saint Augustine
· William Shakespeare
· Benjamin Franklin
· Patrick Henry
· Nathaniel Hawthorne
· Hans Christian Andersen
· Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
· Emily Dickinson
· And many others…
How is the Write from History series structured?
The level 1 books are flexibly designed for students in grades 1 to 3, and the level 2 books are flexibly designed for students in grades 3 to 5.
A Possible Schedule for the Level 1 Books
- Day 1 incorporates reading, oral narration, and written summation.
- Day 2 involves copywork and optional grammar study.
- Day 3 involves copywork (or dictation) and optional grammar study.
- Day 4 includes reading, oral narration, and optional grammar study.
- Day 5 includes copywork (or dictation) and optional grammar study.
A Possible Schedule for the Level 2 Books
- Day 1 incorporates reading, oral and/or written narration.
- Day 2 involves copywork and optional grammar study
- Day 3 involves studied dictation
- Day 4 involves oral narrations and copywork
- Day 5 includes studied dictation
For those parents that are unfamiliar with studied dictation, the process is explained in the introduction of each book.
This flexible curriculum is designed for growing students and busy teachers, and therefore comes in an open and go format for ease of use by both teacher and student.
To learn how the Write through History series can help your student learn, visit us at Brookdalehouse.com To save 20% on printed or e-books from now until December 7th 2013, enter 20writefromhistory at checkout.
About the Author
I’m, Kimberly Garcia, a homeschooling mother of four children. My formal education is in the technical area. Because of my love for mathematics, I pursued a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering; however, my first love has always been writing.
As a homeschooling family, we follow a very Charlotte Mason style education for the early elementary years. During the high school years we become more math, science, and computer focused. My husband and I are both engineers, so obviously these subject areas are also extremely important to us; however, writing is always a priority.
Since writing is my passion, I attend writing workshops and conferences regularly. I study the craft and, when time permits, write fiction for my own personal pleasure.
The greatest benefit to my writing obsession is that my children are catching my love for the subject. It’s amazing to see this happen, and it gives me great joy.
Thank you Kimberly, for taking the time to share your brilliant homeschool curriculum with us. We appreciate all the hard work and dedication it took for you to create this for your children and then to make it available for all of us busy homeschool moms.
Forest Rose
For more homeschooling inspiration, tips and encouragement, make sure to follow KFH on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter, and subscribe to our Newsletter for some FREE GOODIES!
Forest Rose is a God Loving, Blessed Wife, & Mama to 3 girls. She’s passionate about lifting moms out of the trenches that are discouraged, overwhelmed, or feeling alone or isolated. Her hope is to point them to Christ and equip them to rise up with a newfound hope and joy within, that He alone can provide. Besides blogging, she also loves to create printables!
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