TuTiTu is a free 3D animated video series geared towards toddlers aged 2-3 years old. Toddlers are introduced to TuTiTu – a smiling friendly hovercraft. TuTiTu videos are very thought provoking. My 3 year old Jordan and I had so much fun going through some of the videos together.
TuTiTu teaches the “basics” of the world in a fascinating, easy to digest, visual and musical manner. The length of the episodes are very short which is great, because Jordan’s attention span is pretty short still.
In each video TuTiTu, the friendly hovercraft, builds and creates a new toy to interact with. TuTiTu transforms objects such as cubes and balls into fun thinks, like playgrounds, trains, animals, a snowman, birthday cakes…etc. I like that in each video there is a pause, so you and your toddler can discuss what will happen next or where do you think that is supposed to go, or even what is missing still. Jordan was enthralled by these videos, she did not want to quit watching them, we watched like 10 in a row.
Along with the videos, TuTiTu has a playground, where you can find two sections one to create, which includes printable coloring pages, birthday Cards and a TuTiTu wallpaper download.
Also on the playground there is a game section which includes (pictured below) Building, Puzzles, Paint and find. Each one of these games are fun and have great sound effects that had Jordan and I laughing.
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Forest Rose is a God Loving, Blessed Wife, & Mama to 3 girls. She’s passionate about lifting moms out of the trenches that are discouraged, overwhelmed, or feeling alone or isolated. Her hope is to point them to Christ and equip them to rise up with a newfound hope and joy within, that He alone can provide. Besides blogging, she also loves to create printables!
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