Yep, it’s soon going to be that time of year again the dreaded end of summer break. Ours has just started, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared right!? During the end of summer break the ball games are winding down to a complete halt, splash parks are getting old and finally after making 4,657 types of slime the kiddos are getting bored. And us parents are pulling our hair out, per all the whining happening! The once ... Read the Post...
7 Easy Steps to Choose the Best Homeschool Curriculum
How do I choose the right homeschool curriculum? What's the best curriculum for homeschooling? Whether you are starting in preschool or high school, teaching 1 kid or 7, choosing the right homeschool curriculum can seem overwhelming. There are literally thousands of options, and you may be terrified of choosing the wrong one. I don't want you to feel that way so I'm sharing these 7 no-fail steps to finding the perfect fit ... Read the Post...
10 Parenting Tips that can SERIOUSLY Change Your Family
Unfortunately, kids don't come with instruction manuals and there are no two kids alike, so that makes this parenting job a bit tricky at times. Finding parenting success may seem impossibly unreachable, but if we don't stop pursuing it we are sure to find it or at least many more glimpses of peace. In this post you will learn effective strategies and parenting tips to move towards parenting success. Perfection not ... Read the Post...
Color Heart Match Free Printable
Oh, I love hearts they are sooooo pretty! They are the best shape EVA! Of course, the first shape my girls took interest in and the first one they easily recognized was the heart. In fact, my oldest daughter when she was 3 loved drawing hearts so much she found a pointy object and carved little hearts (probably 50 or more) all over her bedroom wall. (sigh) We've always done a lot of hands-on ... Read the Post...
5 Simple Steps to Stay Flexible in Homeschool Planning & Have Stress-free Days
When you homeschool, it’s important to keep things flexible while homeschool planning. In fact, if you can’t be flexible in your schedule you are setting yourself up for failure. While it’s important to have some sort of plan, you don’t want to have things too rigid and set. Life happens and you need to give yourself some wiggle room. Want to learn how to simplify homeschool planning and keep it flexible at the same ... Read the Post...
Why Math Doesn’t Have to Be Your Homeschool Downfall
In each homeschooling family, there is always one subject that is not the favorite. I know in our family, it has been math in the past. For some homeschooling families, reading or writing can be the homeschool downfall. Today we are going to focus on why math doesn’t have to be your homeschool downfall. KFH is dedicated to recommending quality resources to benefit our readers. This post contains affiliate links. I was ... Read the Post...
5 Amazing Benefits of Teaching Music in Homeschool
Music is an amazing way to relax and rejuvenate. Incorporating music in your homeschool really helps to raise well-rounded kids. Learn more about why you should add music in your homeschool today. KFH is dedicated to recommending quality resources to benefit our readers. This blog contains and is monetized through sponsored posts and affiliate links. Please see our full Terms of Service/ Disclosures for detailed ... Read the Post...
6 Ways to Encourage Your Child to Love Reading
Are you trying to encourage your child to love reading? Do you find yourself wishing they would engage in reading for pleasure, not just because they have to? Some kids don't get into it like others do but that doesn't necessarily mean they cannot grow a love for it. Getting your kid to read a book may seem torturous, but it doesn’t need to be! There are steps you can take and a few things you can do to help encourage ... Read the Post...
Free Saint Patrick’s Day Printables for Preschoolers
Anyone else feel like this year is flying by? February is almost gone and Saint Patrick's Day is quickly approaching. Are you looking for something fun and educational to do with your preschoolers this Saint Patrick's Day? You know I love ya right? I have some super cute, early learning packed, not to mention free - Saint Patrick's Day printables for preschoolers for you! What's in the Free Saint Patrick's Day ... Read the Post...
Get Fit Without Going to the Gym
Ugh, why do we need to work out? What really does it accomplish? Isn't there supposed to be change happening? The older I get the less change I see. My husband is a major fitness guy, so trying to keep up with him is basically impossible. Seriously he goes to the gym daily! I can't compete with that. I don't even have that kind of time. The last few years I have jumped on his gym train and really enjoyed it for awhile. I ... Read the Post...
How to Assign Appropriate Chores for Kids By Age
Household chores should not be just a parent's responsibility. Teaching children to take part in caring for the house will not only help out everyone in the household, but teach them skills that will last a life time. Here is a guide sharing chores for kids by age. Only You Know Your Child's Capabilities and Limitations Knowing how to assign chores also means knowing each child and their personal limitations. Be sure ... Read the Post...
Do You See What I See? Show Your Kids this Exciting Evidence of the Worldwide Flood
Creation or Evolution? Young earth or old earth? What should we teach our kids? Findings in this picture book may show evidence of the Worldwide flood & furthermore, adding validity to Creation and Christianity as a whole. Whether you believe in Creation, Evolution, young earth, old earth or a worldwide flood, you cannot deny that there is a God! God is in everything, all around us. His handiwork is proof of a His ... Read the Post...
Typesy – Easy and Effective Typing Lessons for Homeschoolers of All Ages
Want to teach your kids how to type the correct way or brush up on your own typing skills? If you are searching for fun, effective and user-friendly typing lessons for homeschoolers of all ages, look no further, Typesy Homeschool Edition is it. I remember learning to type when I was in high school on an actual typewriter! Do they even make those anymore? I recall it being such a grueling process - make sure your ... Read the Post...
To the Mom Comparing Yourself to Other Moms
Are you constantly comparing yourself to other moms? Worried about your mom game? Swamped with negative thoughts and doubts flooding in on the REGULAR. Do you cringe at yourself when you see an amazing mom, who SEEMS to have it all together? You are not alone friend. I believe this is one of the most common mom problems and this post is going to end it here and now! Satan uses comparison to steal all joy when you are ... Read the Post...
9 Memorable Low-Cost Holiday Activities To Do With Your Kids
Don't confuse spending money with having fun. This year, keep your budget under control and have more fun than ever. Avoid the pitfalls and stresses brought on by out-of-control spending and take more time to enjoy your family and friends. Check out the following ideas to get your low-cost holiday activities list started and you'll find yourself adding your own. MEMORABLE LOW-COST HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES 1) Invite all of ... Read the Post...