Hello and welcome to the first addition of Tot Tuesday…Yep It’s tot school time. We are so excited to be starting up tot school again. I really enjoy setting aside special mommy-Jordan time. She is probably the most [I-Can-do-it-myself] independent toddler-EVER! What we did~ Sticker pages All you need is a lot of stickers and a blank piece of paper. I peel and bend the bottom up of each sticker, so little hands ... Read the Post...
Winter Theme for Preschool and Kindergarten LHFHG – Week 17
What a blessed week we had! We did our normal studies and I added in a few winter theme extras. We continue on working through LHFHG and we have learned a lot. We finished up unit 17. Some of the things covered in this unit were Jesus appearing a lot of different times in the 40 days after He rose from the tomb and how everyone reacted to see Him really alive although He had a body that could now walk through doors ... Read the Post...
Little Hearts for His Glory~Week 11
Hello to all I hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving Holiday. We enjoyed time with family and we were blessed beyond measure! Love the turkey…mmm mmm good. Well week 11 was great we covered a lot and had a tons of fun. I know this is kinda late, but I’m running behind on my posting…lol. We continue to move through LHFHG, All about Spelling, HOP, HOM(Jada) and Funnix beginning math(Jasmine). I usually only take pics of ... Read the Post...
Little Hearts For His Glory~Week 9
Hello to all our wonderful friends, I really enjoy sharing with you what God has been teaching us through our homeschool. I hope these updates have been helpful and a blessing to you!! I love Comments so please leave one, thanks! {Especially if you are a new follower here} Morning routine: Morning board over breakfast, Praise and Worship, prayer, bible reading and discussion. Scripture: Philippians 3:14 In ... Read the Post...
Let the little Children come to me…
"LET THE LITTLE CHILDREN COME TO ME, AND DO NOT STOP THEM; FOR IT IS TO SUCH AS THESE THAT THE KINGDOM OF GOD BELONGS."-Luke 18:16 When this moment in history happened, Jesus was engaged in deep conversation with some VERY important men talking about some VERY important things, but he stopped them to bless the children. How many times have we been in this same situation as Jesus..Seeming to us to be doing something ... Read the Post...
Little Hearts For His Glory~Week 6
A few key points:Morning routine: Morning board over breakfast, Praise and Worship, prayer and bible reading and discussion.Scripture: Matthew 22:37 (We reviewed this again) Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. ~We have been talking about how important it is to love God and put Him first in all we do.History: Entering the promised land (Moses sent spies to Jericho, Walls of Jericho fell after ... Read the Post...
Fall Leaf Print Painting
Well every fall we get to do something we all enjoy— Our Annual Fall Leaf Walk -- Yay!! We had so much fun this year, the weather was beautiful (hot)! We started off on our journey and the girls were beyond thrilled. They were screeching and screaming with joy the whole time. Eeeeek, look at this one mommy -- oooo, and this one mommy! If anyone read our last years post, Jada was super picky about the fall leaf ... Read the Post...
Letter Recognition Game for Preschoolers
Going Fishing for Letters is a super fun Letter Recognition Game for Preschool or Kindergarten age. This is a great letter recognition game I put together and we have used it in many different ways. Things you’ll need to Play this Letter Recognition Game: large baby formula can or coffee can will work. baby jar lids (enough for each letter and/or number) stickers- blank or already with letters and/or ... Read the Post...
Tree of Righteousness – A Spiritual Change
The Seasons of Spiritual Change Autumn is my favorite season, the cool crisp air, the smell of leaves burning, warm comfy clothes, the beginning of a new school year filled with new hope, new goals and the excitement of what God has for us around the corner, but my favorite thing about Autumn is the beauty of a great change taking place in God's beautiful world around us. I love driving along the countryside to see ... Read the Post...
Christmas Activities for Kids
Check out these fun Christmas Activities for kids! Finding fun Christmas activities for kids is one of my favorite times of the year. Narrowing them down and just picking a few is the hard part. There are some fantastic ideas available out there. I love Pinterest for this especially! This was our 1st week of Christmas activities and we have been having a lot of fun, fun, fun!!! My kids are growing into bold ... Read the Post...
Preschool Thanksgiving Activities Weekly Wrap Up
Well this WAS our Thanksgiving theme week....but we didn't do a whole lot cause of the cold and flu that tore through our house=( Glory to God we are all on the mend now! I am forever THANKFUL that we have God to lean on and trust in during these trials in life. What HOPE would We have without the ALMIGHTY! 1 Peter 2:24 Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should ... Read the Post...
Fall Activities – Week 2
This is week 2 of our Fall activities. We have had a blast the last couple of weeks with a lot of activities and art projects. It seems as though we only do these kinds of things during theme weeks....I really need to work on that. They enjoy it so much! As most of you know by now if you have been here before we start each day with Praise and Worship, Bible reading and Prayer. Jada has been working through her ... Read the Post...
FALL Themed Activities – Week 1
This Week in our Homeschool Preschool we experienced fall in all the beautiful changes taking place. This is the first week of our two week fall themed activities. There were so many different things I wanted to do with the little ladies that I couldn't narrow it down....so I just decided to take a couple weeks to work through it all slowly. This week: Jasmine did a leaf sort.... We went on a leaf ... Read the Post...
Homeschool Preschool Learning Activities
Homeschooling preschool should be fun! Try to incorporate a lot of different fun, short activities. Preschoolers learn through play and exploring the world around them! Also, read to them often. Take nature walks with them. Invite them to help you in the kitchen, sort and fold laundry, and clean together. As we engage with our little ones, it’s important to remember the power of learning and development at every ... Read the Post...